Example Commissions - Foster Refrigerator
Foster Refrigerator - Full ISO 14001 implementation service
Foster Refrigerator is Europe's leading manufacturer of commercial refrigerators and cold rooms. Having completed an initial review BE designed and installed an EMS in conformance with ISO 14001. The controls developed included procurement, bulk chemical storage and delivery, cold room installation, disposal of end-of-life product etc. A comprehensive training programme and EMS internal audit service ensured the effectiveness of all planned arrangements.
LRQA awarded certification to ISO14001, and in presenting his report LRQA's Lead Assessor described Foster's EMS as the best prepared he had seen since the standard was introduced.
Example Commissions
Full EMS implementation service
EMS strategy for multi-site organisation
Initial environmental review of brewery, hotels etc
ISO 14001 Gap Analysis & Development
ISO 14001 implementation at heavy industrial site