Example Commissions - Carbon Footprint for Learning Resources
Carbon Footprint for Learning Resources
Learning Resources is a manufacturer of innovative, hands-on educational toys and learning aids. The company operates a sales and distribution centre in the UK, serving Europe, the Middle-East and Africa. Following an environmental assessment, Learning Resources sought to enhance its understanding of its carbon footprint, with a view to improving performance.
A short assessment was initiated, during which time Burton Environmental gathered information on energy and fuel consumption, converting the results to CO2 equivalent emissions. To assist understanding, the results were presented as a pie-chart showing each constituent operation that contributes to the emissions. The results were linked to the underlying data and equations, allowing Learning Resources to learn how its carbon footprint arises and to assess the effectiveness of various reduction scenarios. Following a discussion of the findings, Learning Resources is now in a position to objectively consider reduction measures, establish targets, and communicate its progress to interested parties.
Example Commissions
Carbon Disclosure Project
Carbon Footprint